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Made With Molecules

Science Tarot Deck


Several years ago, two friends and I realized that we simply had to make a science-inspired deck of tarot cards. Our vision was to express the traditional stories & archetypes of tarot in modern, science concepts. We recruited six exceptional artists and one insightful designer and worked on the concepts and art over the course of a couple of years.

The result is a beautiful example of Emergence (10 of Cups) - the whole became much greater than the sum of its parts - the art, stories, and meanings of the cards work on so many levels. And each card is literally a work of art, drawing on stories of science from many disciplines, including astronomy, physics, chemistry, and biology.

Read more about it at

Science Tarot is a wonderful tool for inspiring interest in science. It is well-researched, beautifully packaged, and plump with science and art.

The USA-printed, full color, 78 card deck comes with a 100-page booklet explaining each card. It is packaged in a sturdy, custom box. Currently shipping to the USA, Canada, and Australia. For other destinations, please inquire.